Thursday, October 10, 2024

Sound (& babies on this plane)

    This past week in my AICE Media class we learned about sound in films.  We explored the different types of sound used in films and how they change the film. We especially over diegetic sound which is essentially the sound in a film that takes place inside of its world. For example, the sound of typing in the background of an office scene would be considered diegetic sound, while the music played under dialogue in this scene would be considered non-diegetic.

Soundscape Project

    After learning all the necessary principles of sound design, we were tasked with designing a complete soundscape for a scene of our choice. The only sound we could use would be diegetic sounds, and we were limited to 7 words for the entire 1-2 minute scene.


    After minor interruptions due to Hurricane Helene, me and my partner got to work brainstorming and laying out all the necessary sounds needed to create the scene. After some discussion, we decided on the sounds of boarding an airplane, by breaking this scene up into separate sections we were able to outline what was needed for the scene. We decided on 3 sections: waiting at the terminal, going onto the tube, and finally boarding the plane. We then used these 3 sections to compile a list of sounds for each in a shared document.


    The next part of our project included us needing to Foley in at least 4 sound effects. By foleying the sounds, we can get a more specific and clear sound effect, closer to what we would need for the scene. The 5 sounds we ended up recording were a zipper, water running, a plastic bag popping, keys jingling (to be used as zippers hitting against hard cases, and an AirPods case snapping shut (used as the luggage rolling on the metal tube. 


    Finally, we had to edit together the scene using a combination of the sounds we recorded and sound effects from the Internet. I originally began editing on Adobe Audition, but the project file corrupted, and the app was taking up too much space on my laptop, so I started over in Adobe Premier Pro. Using Adobe Premier Pro would slightly limit me in comparison to audition, but it also had the necessary effects for me to put onto my sounds.

Final thoughts

In the end, I think my project ended up pretty good. I think it captures the moment of being in the airport and boarding the plane perfectly. One of my favorite moments is when the captain speaks over the intercom like one of the adults from The Peanuts animations. Another fun moment was the bay crying during the flight. It never failed to get a reaction from those who I showed it to and that was definitely the intention.

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