Monday, March 10, 2025

Getting creative (with my critical reflections)

 Hey everyone!! I've been thinking about different creative approaches for my CCR (Creative Critical Reflection) and I think I've found the perfect format. I'm going to structure it like those Genius lyric explanation videos. You know the ones where artists break down their own lyrics with those yellow highlight annotations? I feel like this would be a really cool way to analyze our film opening!!

For question #1 of the CCR (How does your product use or challenge conventions and how does it represent social groups or issues?), I can really dive into how our film opening uses sci-fi drama conventions while representing teenage depression. The planet isn't just a world ending threat, it's a metaphor for how Halley feels like her world is falling apart. In the Genius video format, I could highlight specific shots of the opening and explain how they represent her emotional state. Since we're blending sci-fi elements with this personal struggle, I'm challenging conventions by approaching depression in a visually engaging way rather than just through dialogue or traditional drama techniques. This approach would make the analysis way more engaging than just talking to the camera for 5 minutes, and it gives me a chance to really get into the symbolism of certain elements (such as the significance of each item she gets from the store).

Thats all from me for now, stay tuned for my next post about how I plan on responding to the second question in my CCR.

Friday, March 7, 2025

Coloring is fun (and the line edit too ig)

Hey everyone!! We're now officially in the post-production stage of our film opening and it's been such a journey getting everything to come together. For our opening, we're using Adobe Premiere Pro for the main edit (fun fact: I'm Adobe Premiere certified!!), while some of our VFX work for the planet is being done in After Effects and Blender. We decided to start editing the outdoor footage and working on those effects first. This way, once we FINALLY get to film the indoor portion, we can just add it in without having wasted any time. Two of my team members are handling the line edit and vfx, while I'm focusing on the color grading.

Speaking of color grading, it's been SUCH an important part of our project because we shot in both indoor and outdoor settings, plus our shoot ran later than expected, so some shots are darker than others. Here's what some of the clips looked like before and after

Color grading has involved A LOT of back and forth between contrast and exposure settings to find the perfect brightness. I also fiddled with white balancing tools to fix footage that came out either too blue or with that weird purple tint that happens sometimes. We've also been playing with tint and saturation in Premiere's basic correction tools - for some clips we had to increase the warmth and greens, while others needed different adjustments.

It's amazing to see the transformation! The color grade really makes everything feel more cohesive and film-like. Thats all from me for now, stay tuned for my next post about the CCR planning :)

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Organization Central (too much footage)

Hey everyone!! We just got back from our weekend competition trip, which means we can now officially start the editing stage of our film opening, and it feels great to finally be putting everything together. Thankfully, our editing process is pretty organized (I think) - My teammate Oriana started by sorting footage into specific folders by scene type. This time, we created separate folders for car scenes, planet scenes, funky, messed up shots (because you never know when you might need them), and extra footage.

For our opening, we're using Adobe Premiere Pro for the main edit, while some of our VFX work for the planet is being done in After Effects and Blender. We originally planned to shoot all our scenes in one day, but then, as mentioned before, we ran into a devastating setback (location permission issues). We got all our outdoor shots done, but couldn't film inside the store because the manager wasn't there. So we're starting the edit with what we have while my groupmate, Santi, works to track down whoever "Katty" is, who can hopefully give us permission to film indoors.

That's all from me for now, stay tuned for my next post about the line edit  & color grading =)

Monday, March 3, 2025

Changing the script on set?? should be fine

During our shoot day, we decided to change one of our scenes on the spot! Originally, we had planned for Halley to simply connect her phone to the car after hearing just 1 radio channel mention the planet, but we had a better idea while filming. Instead, we now have her flipping through several radio channels, all of them covering the rogue planet and its upcoming impact, which makes her increasingly annoyed until she finally clicks the radio off completely.

This new version is much longer than what we initially planned but it works a lot better for showing her character's frustration with the whole situation. We even got some extra takes of her reacting to static and different voices, so we have plenty of options for the edit. Sometimes the best ideas happen right on set! The only downside was that we spent so much time on this scene that we ended up rushing through the outdoor shots and filming later than planned (making our shots appear to be during the nightime), but I think the trade-off was worth it. 

Thats all from me for now, Im very glad that we were struck with this divine inspiration, stay tuned for my next post about the line edit :)

Saturday, March 1, 2025

its go time ( film fr now )

 Hey everyone!! I'm super excited to share how our first day of filming went! As I mentioned in my last post, we had to split our shoot into two days because of the gas station permission issue, but OOOHHMAHHGAADDDDD the footage we got looks amazing

We managed to get a ton of shots and we actually ended up with way more footage than we originally planned, which is definitely a good thing since it gives us more options to play with during editing. Overshooting is always better than undershooting when it comes to filmmaking!

Anyway, remember how I talked about our lighting plans in my previous post? We specifically wanted to film during dusk to get the vibrant pink and violet tones in the sky to contrast with Halley's neutral outfit. Well, it turns out dusk doesn't stick around very long! By the time we finished getting all our shots, it was completely dark outside.

This means we'll need to do some heavy color grading to make it look like everything happened within the actual timing of the scene. We'll have to adjust the darker shots to match the earlier dusk footage so the lighting feels consistent throughout the opening sequence.

Since my team and I will be at a competition this week, we won't be able to film the interior gas station scenes just yet. To accommodate for this, we're going to start working on a line edit of what we have so far and begin working on the VFX for the planet. 

That's all from me for now! Stay tuned for my next post on (checks schedule) uhh I'm not quite sure yet... See ya :)))

Getting creative (with my critical reflections)

 Hey everyone!! I've been thinking about different creative approaches for my CCR (Creative Critical Reflection) and I think I've fo...