SO for my second CCR I thought it would be fun to create a day in the life vlog. The video would basically take you through my production process in one day (from filming to editing). I would tour the audience through different aspects of my production while answering "questions from viewers." I think this structure is a great way of answering each question in an effective and creative manner.
The third question of my CCR asks
- How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
I would answer this by saying that this project really gave me an opportunity to grow in ways I hadn't expected! Before AICE Media, I had some background from film and TV production classes, but this course has taught me the WHY behind creative decisions - like why shoot wide instead of close, or why make a cut at a specific moment. I'm usually quick with most of my productions, creating them within a week or even within 6 hours, but that meant I didn't always stop to think about my editing choices. This project forced me to slow down and be more intentional with every decision, which has
made me a better filmmaker overall.
made me a better filmmaker overall.
My technical skills have definitely improved too. As one of the producers, I had to pay attention to all the small details during shooting to avoid having to reshoot scenes, as well as keeping the production on the track of a schedule. I also pushed myself to expand on pre-existing technical skills like color grading, which I would say I was already pretty good at, but by going online and watching tutorials geared specificallty at films within my genre, which has which has helped me expand my previous niche of bright vibrant warm scenes, to some cool dramatic scenes. There's also a VISIBLE change in my work from the beginning of the year to now with our film opening. I'm much more careful about framing, lighting consistency, and making sure all our shots serve the story in some way. Overall, this project has helped my expand my skillset and even try my hand at new techniques I hadnt had the opportunity to try yet.
Thats all for today! ill see you in my next blog closing out the CCR Questions!!! ;)
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