Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Organization Central (too much footage)

Hey everyone!! We just got back from our weekend competition trip, which means we can now officially start the editing stage of our film opening, and it feels great to finally be putting everything together. Thankfully, our editing process is pretty organized (I think) - My teammate Oriana started by sorting footage into specific folders by scene type. This time, we created separate folders for car scenes, planet scenes, funky, messed up shots (because you never know when you might need them), and extra footage.

For our opening, we're using Adobe Premiere Pro for the main edit, while some of our VFX work for the planet is being done in After Effects and Blender. We originally planned to shoot all our scenes in one day, but then, as mentioned before, we ran into a devastating setback (location permission issues). We got all our outdoor shots done, but couldn't film inside the store because the manager wasn't there. So we're starting the edit with what we have while my groupmate, Santi, works to track down whoever "Katty" is, who can hopefully give us permission to film indoors.

That's all from me for now, stay tuned for my next post about the line edit  & color grading =)

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