Hey everyone!! Today I want to talk about our approach to sound design for the opening. One thing I've learned in this course is that audio can actually be more crucial than visuals in creating an immersive experience - it's what really pulls viewers into the world we're creating.
We're planning to use several different types of sound in our opening. The main one will be non-diegetic sound - basically sound that doesn't come from within the scene itself, like background music. This will be super important for us since music is going to be a key element in conveying Halley's emotional state and the overall mood.
We'll also be using synchronous sound to ground everything in reality - you know, the ambient sounds of the gas station store. Everything from footsteps, the rustle of shopping bags, to whatever the news anchor is faintly saying on the TV in the back must be implemented to create an immersive Soundscape. These synchronized sounds help create that sense of place while still letting us control exactly what the audience hears.
There's also going to be a crucial moment when Halley turns on her car radio and hears the announcement about the approaching planet. This will deliver key information without needing to show a newscaster or break away from our focus on Halley using Diagetic sound.
For the music, I just reached out to artists for permission to use their songs. Here are the tracks we're thinking of:
"A Mistake" by Fiona Apple - The raw emotional vocals and somewhat chaotic instrumentation really mirror Halley's internal state, plus the lyrics about making mistakes and self-reflection fit perfectly with her character arc.
"Glorybox" by Portishead - The alternative sound and dreamy atmosphere could work amazingly for the opening. The slow, hypnotic quality matches her detached reaction to what should be a terrifying sight.
"Pathetique" by ROAR - This one has this beautiful melancholic quality that really captures the underlying sadness of Halley's character while still maintaining some hope in its melody, as well as an amazing crescendo that can be used for the shot revealing the looming planet
"ALIEN LOVE CALL" by Turnstile - The spacey, atmospheric qualities obviously fit our sci-fi elements, but more importantly, the gentle, floating feeling of the song matches Halley's disconnected state.
"Red Handed" by Benches - The building intensity of this track could work really well for the chaos-in-the-store sequence, especially since it maintains this ethereal quality that fits with Halley being lost in her own world while everything falls apart around her.
2 other songs were thinking of include "Figure 8" by Paramore and "Alexandra" by The Army, The Navy
We're still working on getting permissions sorted out, and we might end up having to look at other royalty free options, but these songs really capture the vibe we're going for
That's all for now! Next time I'll probably talk about the official costuming and props. See ya :)